Task Groups
Timelines & Targets
What action should engineers take to reduce the global warming potential of new build bridge projects and when should they do it? This task group aims to explore this question for bridge projects located in the UK and abroad.
A paper exploring the UK Net Zero balanced pathway to net zero carbon and how this relates to bridge construction is included in the Library.
Learn more about what can be done to achieve these targets in a timely manner - Take Action.
Carbon Data & Benchmarking
The use of carbon data to inform decisions is essential if we are to make meaningful advances towards Net Zero bridges. The actions of this task group include: developing a consistent bridge specific carbon calculation methodology; sharing carbon data for new bridge construction and existing bridge maintenance; and promoting a benchmarking system to inform carbon targets on bridges.
Expanding on the IStructE’s How to Calculate Embodied Carbon bridge specific appendix, this task group has been developing a complete guidance note for carbon calculations for bridges. This is now available in the Library.
This is work-in-progress - expected late 2025
Setting realistic carbon reduction targets requires a benchmarking system calibrated with relevant project carbon data. Carbon targets can then be used to achieve minimum carbon bridges.
NZBG established benchmark system: work-in-progress - expected late 2025.
Steel Bridges
Infrastructure uses around half of the 2 billion tonnes of steel produced each year so it is no surprise that the embodied carbon in bridges that include large quantities of steel is high. Designers must therefore work hard to minimise the embodied carbon of our bridges while considering the requirement to provide functional infrastructure with efficient operations and maintenance.
The Steel Bridge Task Group is focused on identifying and sharing ways to reduce the carbon footprint of new and existing bridges by focussing in two areas in particular: using less steel through maximising the advantages of this highly efficient and adaptable material; and, providing guidance on how to select and specify products that have been manufactured and supplied in a way that minimises their carbon emissions. In the case of steel bridges, much of this expertise already exists within the SCI’s Steel Bridge Group with whom a joint task group has been established.
The Steel Bridge Task Group is already consulting with major steel producers and fabricators and will continue to do so in order to share information on the supply chain’s progress towards net zero.
Concrete Bridges
High carbon emissions associated with concrete are often especially difficult to address in bridges, due to the long design life, durability requirements and strength requirements to suit long spans resulting in higher minimum cement content. In addition, almost every bridge includes substantial concrete elements. This presents a significant decarbonisation challenge for bridge engineers that demands major change from current practices.
With the aim of developing the current knowledge base on whole life carbon associated with concrete bridges, key topics and questions for further work have been set out. These cover materials, construction, structural form, and management and maintenance. The concrete group’s initial focus shall be on Build Clever and Build Efficiently PAS2080 emission reduction hierarchy, providing guidance on optimising design efficiency and preparing low carbon concrete specifications.
The NZBG is working with the Concrete Bridge Development Group and has provided input to the Low Carbon Concrete Group’s (LCCG) roadmap. The NZBG intends to engage with the UK Concrete Decarbonisation Taskforce (successor to the LCCG) to minimise overlap in work.
Refer to the Library for Guidance Notes and Case Studies.
PAS 2080 for Bridges
Industry alignment and clear guidance are key to an efficient carbon management system and ultimately to enable the construction of low carbon bridges. PAS2080 is a useful framework which is applicable for all infrastructure and building projects. This group is focussing on providing bridge specific tips and case studies for use within bridge construction, with input from asset owners, contractors, suppliers and designers. Refer to the Library for outputs from this task group.